Ballet accompanimentI am an experienced ballet pianist and regularly play for free class-work as well as graded exams, for both the RAD and ISTD exam boards.
I can sight-read to a high-standard and I am able to play in many varying styles, including being able to improvise when required. RAD samples: Gr1 Demi-pliés. Gr2 Battements tendus derrière; Échappés sautés. Gr3 Ronds de jambe à terre; Développés. Gr4 Battements fondus à terre; Battements glissés; Développés; Classical study. Gr5 Pliés; Battements glissés & petits retirés; Classical study; Free-movement study. Gr6 2nd Port de bras; Petit allegro; Excercise for ronds de jambe en l'air.
(ISTD samples to follow shortly.)
I work as piano accompanist for both Northern Ballet and the Northern School of Contemporary Dance. Other dance companies and schools I have previously worked for include: